Children Puzzle

Children Puzzle is a very addictive and entertaining game.

Prepare to place the tiles in the puzzle.

Game instructions:

- Select the puzzle pot of the puzzle that you like the most.
- You will have to select the card and take it to the corresponding board place.
- If you release the tile of the puzzle, the tile will return to its place.
- If you put the tile of the puzzle in another place that does not belong to you, the chip will return to its place and tell you a fault, after five failures, you will have to start over.
- If you put the tile of the puzzle in the right place, I will tell you a hit.
- You have three game modes (Easy, Medium and Hard.)
- Easy:
In the easy mode, there will be a few squares of different colors flashing, so you know where the card goes and where you have to put it.
- Medium:
Same as the easy mode but this time the pieces of the puzzle can rotate.
Same as the average mode, but you will not have the help of the little squares blinking.

Game features:

- 19 puzzles to choose from.
- Five pieces per puzzle.
- Three game mode (Easy, Medium and Hard.)
- Eight backgrounds of different colors.
- Puzzle game with exciting sounds and animations.


The puzzles are a great way to have fun and are a highly recommended activity, which produces numerous psychological benefits.

- With the puzzles, the children observe and explore the objects that they have around them, improving their attention and concentration.

- They learn to control themselves and to reflect before acting.

- They develop spatial vision and cognitive abilities, learning concepts of the different topics on which the puzzle (objects, animals, landscapes, etc.).

- Improve perceptual reasoning and mathematical skills, as well as problem solving.

- They develop fine motor skills, that is, those of small manipulative movements, such as writing, since they have to place small pieces in their place with great skill and precision.

- They develop visuo-motor coordination or, what is the same, the one that communicates the hand with the eye.

- Increase their ability to get specific information from something general, and vice versa: of something concrete (such as can be a single piece) build the whole (which is the complete puzzle). With the general image they have to locate each of the pieces and with them get to form the model, that is, they learn to synthesize the information received from the environment.

- It also helps them to improve their self-esteem and motivation because getting the puzzle finished is a success for the child and a motivation to keep doing more.

- They also learn to organize information and concepts around them, since they must order the pieces before completing it.

- Finally, having the image of the final puzzle, they are guided by the model in front of them: they learn from others or from the objects around them.

The benefits that we have just presented are just some examples of the many reasons why a child should play with puzzles. Other reasons are: overcoming challenges, tolerance to difficulties, improving logic and language, and reinforcing family relationships and socialization.

Children Puzzle Google Play.

Children Puzzle Amazon.


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